D822 Datasheet PDF – NPN Power Transistor – NEC

Part Number: D822

Function: NPN transistor for audio amplifier, voltage regulator and DC-DC converter

Package: TO-126 Type

Manufacturer: NEC => Renesas Technology

Image and Pinouts:
D822 Pinout


The D882 is NPN silicon transistor suited for the output stage of 3 watts audio amplifier, voltage regulator, DC-DC converter and relay driver.


1. Low saturation voltage.

2. Excellent hFE linearilty and high hFE

3. Less cramping space required due to small and thin package and reducing the trouble for attachement to a radiator. NO insulator bushing required.

Absolute maximum ratings ( Ta=25°C )

1. Collector to Base Voltage: Vcbo = 40 V

2. Collector to Emitter Voltage: Vceo = 30 V

3. Emitter to Base Voltage: Vebo = 5 V

4. Collector Current: Ic = 3 A

5. Collector Dissipation : Pc = 1 W

6. Junction Temperature: Tj = 150°C

7. Storage Temperature: Tsg = -55 ~ +150°C

D882 Datasheet

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Other data sheets are available within the file: 2SD822, D822

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