Part Number: D880, 2SD880
Function: NPN Silicon Power Transistor
Package: TO-220 Type
The manufacturers of this product is Mospec.
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D880 designed for use in audio frequency power amplifier applications.
1. Low Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage : Vce(sat) = 1.0V(Max) @ Ic = 3.0A, Ib = 0.3A
2. DC Current Gain : hFE = 60 ~ 300 @ Ic = 0.5A
3. Complementary to PNP 2SB834
Maximum Ratins
1. Collector-Emitter Voltage: Vceo = 60V
2. Collector-Base Voltage: Vcbo = 60V
3. Emitter-Base Voltage: Vebo = 7.0V
4. Base current : Ib = 0.5A
5. Total Power Dissipation: Pd = 30W