KS0107B Datasheet PDF – LCD Driver IC, QFP 100 Pin

Part Number: KS0107B

Function: LCD Driver IC

Package: 100 QFP Type

Manufacturer: Samsung


KS0107B datasheet



The KS0107B is a LCD driver LSI with 64 channel output for dot matrix liquid crystal graphic display system. This device provides 64 shift register and 64 output driver. It generates the timing signal to control the KS0108B segment driver.

The KS-0107B is fabricated by low power CMOS high voltage process technology and compose of the liquid crystal display system in combination with the KS0108B segment driver.


1. Dot matrix LCD common driver with 64 channel output.

2. 64 bits shift register to internal LCD driver circuit

3. Selectable master/slave mode

Other data sheets are available within the file: KS-0107B


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