This is one of the types of MOSFETs and is a kind of transistor.
Part Number: MDF7N60B
N-Channel MOSFET 600V, 7.0A, 1.15Ω
Package: TO-220F Type
Manufacturer: Magnachip
See the preview image and the PDF file for more information.
These N-channel MOSFET are produced using advanced MagnaChip’s MOSFET Technology, which provides low on state resistance, high switching performance and excellent quality.
These devices are suitable device for SMPS, high Speed switching and general purpose applications.
MDF7N60B Pinout
1. VDS= 600V
2. VDS= 660V @ Tjmax
3. ID= 7.0A @ VGS= 10V
4. RDS(ON)≤ 1.15Ω @ VGS= 10V
1. Power Supply
2. PFC
3. High Current, High Speed Switching