Part Number: PSMN3R0-30YLD
Function: N-channel 30 V, 3.0 mΩ logic level MOSFET
Package: LFPAK56 Type
Manufacturer: NXP Semiconductors.
Image and Pinouts:
This is N-channel 30 V, 3.0 mΩ logic level MOSFET.
Logic level gate drive N-channel enhancement mode MOSFET in LFPAK56 package.
NextPowerS3 portfolio utilising NXP’s unique “SchottkyPlus” technology delivers high efficiency, low spiking performance usually associated with MOSFETs with an integrated Schottky or Schottky-like diode but without problematic high leakage current.
NextPowerS3 is particularly suited to high efficiency applications at high switching frequencies.
1. Low spiking and ringing for low EMI designs
2. Optimised for 4.5 V gate drive
3. Low parasitic inductance and resistance
1. Voltage regulator modules (VRM)
2. Point-of-Load (POL) modules
3. Power delivery for V-core, ASIC, DDR, GPU, VGA and system components
4. Brushed and brushless motor control
PSMN3R0-30YLD Datasheet PDF Download
Other data sheets are available within the file: PSMN3R030YLD, PSMN3R0