SPF-5043Z Datasheet PDF – Low Noise MMIC Amplifier

Part Number: SPF-5043Z

Function: GaAs pHEMT Low Noise MMIC Amplifier

Package : SOT-343 Type

Manufacturer: Sirenza Microdevices




The SPF-5043Z is a high performance pHEMT MMIC LNA designed for operation from 400MHz to 3000MHz. The on-chip active bias network provides stable current over temperature and process threshold voltage variations.

The SPF5043Z offers ultra-low noise figure and high linearity performance in a gain block configuration. Its single-supply operation and integrated matching networks make implementation remarkably simple. The high maximum input power specification makes it ideal for high dynamic range receivers. pHEMT Low Noise MMIC Amplifier.

SPF-5043Z Datasheet


1. Ultra-Low Noise Figure = 0.6 dB @ 900 MHz

2. Gain = 18.5 dB @ 900 MHz

3. High Linearity: OIP3 = 35 dBm @ 1900 MHz

4. P1dB = 22 dBm @ 1900 MHz

5. Single-supply operation: 5V @ Idq=45mA

6. Broadband Internal Matching


1. Cellular, PCS, W-CDMA, ISM, W iMAX Receivers

2. Low noise, high linearity gain block applications


SPF-5043Z Datasheet PDF