Part Number: SPF-5043Z
Function: GaAs pHEMT Low Noise MMIC Amplifier
Package : SOT-343 Type
Manufacturer: Sirenza Microdevices
The SPF-5043Z is a high performance pHEMT MMIC LNA designed for operation from 400MHz to 3000MHz. The on-chip active bias network provides stable current over temperature and process threshold voltage variations.
The SPF5043Z offers ultra-low noise figure and high linearity performance in a gain block configuration. Its single-supply operation and integrated matching networks make implementation remarkably simple. The high maximum input power specification makes it ideal for high dynamic range receivers. pHEMT Low Noise MMIC Amplifier.
1. Ultra-Low Noise Figure = 0.6 dB @ 900 MHz
2. Gain = 18.5 dB @ 900 MHz
3. High Linearity: OIP3 = 35 dBm @ 1900 MHz
4. P1dB = 22 dBm @ 1900 MHz
5. Single-supply operation: 5V @ Idq=45mA
6. Broadband Internal Matching
1. Cellular, PCS, W-CDMA, ISM, W iMAX Receivers
2. Low noise, high linearity gain block applications