SSC9502 is one of the semiconductor types.
This product has Controller IC functions.
The package is DIP 16 pin type.
The manufacturers of this product is Sanken.
See the preview image and the PDF file for more information.
The SSC9502 is a controller IC, incorporating a floating drive circuit for half-bridge type resonance. The product achieves high efficiency and low noise power supply systems by the ZVS and ZCS. The product is recommended for high-efficiency small and standardized power supplies because of easy circuit designs with few external components.
Controller IC for Current Resonant Type Switching Power Supply with Half-Bridge Resonance, High Efficiency and Low Noise.
1. Soft-Switched Multi-Resonant Zero Current Switch (SMZ)
The zero-current switching (ZSC) and zero-voltage switching (ZVS) of half-bridge type resonance achieve the high efficiency and low noise systems.
2. Automatic Dead Time Adjustment Function for Wide Resonant Conditions
3. Burst-Oscillation Function:
The function enables the stable output control at no load to light load conditions and improves the efficiency.
1. Switching Power Supplies for
2. Digital Consumer Equipment; LCD-TVs, PDP-TVs, etc.,
3. OA Equipment; Severs, Multi-Function Printers, etc.,
4. Industry Machines, Communication Devices, Others