Part Number: TA7376
Function: Audio Power Amplifier
Package: SIP 9 Pin type
Manufacturer: Toshiba
The TA7376 is dual audio power amplifier for portable products.
1. Low operating supply voltage: VCC = 1.8~6V (Ta = 25°C)
2. Low quiescent current: ICCQ = 5.3mA (VCC = 4.5V)
3. Including ripple filter circuit: RR = −42dB (CRIP = 10μF, fr = 100Hz)
4. Voltage gain: GV = 39.5dB (typ.)
5. Very few external parts and small package. (SIP−9pin)
Note :
The input stage of power amplifier (equivalent circuit) is comprised of a PNP differential pair (Q2 and Q3) preceded by a PNP emitter follower (Q1) which allows DC referencing of the source signal to ground. This eliminates the need for an input coupling condenser.
TA7376 Datasheet PDF
Other data sheets are available within the file: TA7376P