Part Number: TEA5767, TEA5767HN
Function: Low-power FM stereo radio for handheld applications
Package: HVQFN40 Pin Type
Manufacturer: Philips Semiconductor, NXP Semiconductor
The TEA5767 is a single-chip electronically tuned FM stereo radio for low-voltage applications with fully integrated Intermediate Frequency (IF) selectivity and demodulation. The radio is completely adjustment-free and only requires a minimum of small and low cost external components. The radio can be tuned to the European, US, and Japanese FM bands.
1. High sensitivity due to integrated low-noise RF input amplifier
2. FM mixer for conversion to IF of the US/Europe (87.5 MHz to 108 MHz) and Japanese (76 MHz to 91 MHz) FM band
3. Preset tuning to receive Japanese TV audio up to 108 MHz
4. RF Automatic Gain Control (AGC) circuit
5. LC tuner oscillator operating with low cost fixed chip inductors
6. FM IF selectivity performed internally
7. No external discriminator needed due to fully integrated FM demodulator
8. Crystal reference frequency oscillator; the oscillator operates with a 32.768 kHz clock crystal or with a 13 MHz crystal and with an externally applied 6.5 MHz reference frequency