XL6019 Datasheet – DC/DC Converter ( regulator, TO263-5L )

Part Number: XL6019

Function: 220KHz, 60V, 5A, Switching Current Boost / Buck-Boost

Package: TO263-5L Type

Manufacturer: International Rectifier ( http://www.xlsemi.com/ )


XL6019 converter datasheet

General Description

The XL6019 regulator is a wide input range, current mode, DC/DC converter which is capable of generating either positive or negative output voltages. It can be configured as either a boost, flyback, SEPIC or inverting converter. The XL6019 built in N-channel power MOSFET and fixed frequency oscillator, current-mode architecture results in stable operation over a wide range of supply and output voltages.


1. 1.25V reference adjustable version
2. Fixed 220KHz Switching Frequency
3. Maximum 5A Switching Current
4. SW PIN Built in Over Voltage Protection
5. Excellent line and load regulation
6. EN PIN TTL shutdown capability
7. Internal Optimize Power MOSFET


XL6019 circuit module


1. EPC / Notebook Car Adapter
2. Automotive and Industrial Boost / Buck-Boost / Inverting Converters
3. Portable Electronic Equipment

Other data sheets are available within the file: XL-6019

XL6019 Datasheet

XL6019 pdf


XL6019 vs XL6009


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