103H7124 PDF Datasheet – 2-phase Stepping Motor

This post explains for the Stepping Motor.

The Part Number is 103H7124.

The function of this semiconductor is 2-phase Stepping Motor ( Nema 23 ).

Manufacturer: Sanyo Denki


103H7124 stepping motor


103H7124 is 56mm, 24VDC, Unipolar winding, Lead wire type. A 2-phase stepping motor, also known as a bipolar stepper motor, is a type of electric motor used in various applications to convert electrical pulses into precise mechanical movements. It is called a “2-phase” motor because it has two sets of coils (phases) that are energized in a specific sequence to produce step-by-step rotational motion.

1. Two Coil Windings (Phases): A 2-phase stepper motor has two coil windings, each wound around separate poles within the motor. These coils are typically labeled as “Phase A” and “Phase B.”

2. Bipolar Configuration: The term “bipolar” refers to the fact that both coil windings are polarized and can be energized with either positive or negative voltage. This allows for precise control of the motor’s rotation in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions.

3. Step Angle: Stepper motors move in discrete steps, and the step angle is a measure of how much the motor rotates with each step. Common step angles for 2-phase stepper motors include 1.8 degrees per step (commonly used in many applications) and 0.9 degrees per step (often used in high-precision applications). The step angle determines the motor’s angular resolution.


Ordering Informations:

103H7121-0140 103H7121-0110 0.39 (55.2) 1 4.8 8 0.1 (0.55) 0.47 (1.04)
103H7121-0440 103H7121-0410 0.39 (55.2) 2 1.25 1.9 0.1 (0.55) 0.47 (1.04)
103H7121-0740 103H7121-0710 0.39 (55.2) 3 0.6 0.8 0.1 (0.55) 0.47 (1.04)

103H7123-0140 103H7123-0110 0.83 (117.5) 1 6.7 15 0.21 (1.15) 0.65 (1.43)
103H7123-0440 103H7123-0410 0.83 (117.5) 2 1.6 3.8 0.21 (1.15) 0.65 (1.43)
103H7123-0740 103H7123-0710 0.78 (110.5) 3 0.77 1.58 0.21 (1.15) 0.65 (1.43)

103H7126-0140 103H7126-0110 1.27 (179.8) 1 8.6 19 0.36 (1.97) 0.98 (2.16)
103H7126-0440 103H7126-0410 1.27 (179.8) 2 2 4.5 0.36 (1.97) 0.98 (2.16)
103H7126-0740 103H7126-0710 1.27 (179.8) 3 0.9 2.2 0.36 (1.97) 0.98 (2.16)


103H7124 PDF Datasheet

103H7124 pdf

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