2SA1030 Datasheet – 50V, 100mA, PNP Transistor ( PDF )

Part Number: 2SA1030

Function: Silicon PNP Epitaxial Transistor

Package: TO-92 Type

Manufacturer: Renesas Electronics

Image and Pinouts:

2SA1030 datasheet



This is 50V, 100mA, PNP Transistor.


1. Low frequency amplifier
2. Complementary pair with 2SC458 and 2SC2308

Absolute Maximum Ratings

1. Collector to base voltage : VCBO = –55 V
2. Collector to emitter voltage : VCEO = –50 V
3. Emitter to base voltage : VEBO = –5 V
4. Collector current : IC = –100 mA
5. Emitter current : IE = 100 mA
6. Collector power dissipation : PC = 300 mW


2SA1030 Datasheet PDF

2SA1030 pdf

Other data sheets are available within the file: 2SA1029, A1029, A1030

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