Part Number: 2SA1832-GR
Function: -50V, PNP Transistor
Package: SOT-23 Type
Manufacturer: Toshiba
1. High voltage and high current: VCEO= −50 V, IC= −150 mA (max)
2. Excellent hFElinearity: hFE(IC= −0.1 mA)/ hFE(IC= −2 mA) = 0.95 (typ.)
3. High hFE: hFE= 70~400
4. Complementary to 2SC4738
5. Small package
Absolute Maximum Ratings ( Ta = 25’C )
1. Collector-base voltage : VCBO = – 50 V
2. Collector-emitter voltage : VCEO = – 50 V
3. Emitter-base voltage : VEBO = – 5 V
4. Collector current : IC = – 150 mA
5. Base current : IB = – 30 mA
6. Collector power dissipation : PC = 100 mW
Audio Frequency General Purpose Amplifier
Other data sheets are available within the file: 2SA1832, 2SA1832-O, 2SA1832-Y, A1832