2SC1623 Datasheet PDF – Vceo=50V, Silicon NPN Transistor

Part Number: 2SC1623

Function: NPN SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistor

Package: SOT-23 Type

Manufacturer: Bruckwell


2SC1623 datasheet



1. High DC current gain : hFE=200(Typ),  VCE=6V,IC=1mA

2. High voltage : VCEO=50V

3. RoHS compliant package

Maximum Ratings

1. Collector-Base Voltage : VCBO = 60 V
2. Collector-Emitter Voltage : VCEO = 50 V
3. Emitter-Base Voltage : VEBO = 5 V
4. Collector Current : IC = 100 mA
5. Collector Dissipation : PC = 200 mW


1. NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor.

2. Audio frequency general purpose amplifier.

Mechanical Data

1. Case : SOT-23 Molded plastic

Other data sheets are available within the file: C1623


2SC1623 Datasheet PDF Download

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