2SC1815 Datasheet – 50V, 150mA, NPN Transistor – Toshiba

The 2SC1815 is commonly used in amplifier circuits, where it can provide high voltage gain and low noise performance.

Part Number: 2SC1815

Function: 50V, 150mA, Silicon NPN Epitaxail Type Transistor

Package: TO-92 Type

Manufacturer: Toshiba Semiconductor



What is 2SC1815?

The 2SC1815 is a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) that has been widely used in electronic circuits, particularly in audio amplifiers, low-frequency power amplifiers, and other general-purpose applications.

It is also used in oscillator circuits, where its high frequency response makes it suitable for generating high-frequency signals. Additionally, the C1815 can be used in switching circuits, where it can turn on and off high-current loads.

How to use:

To use the 2SC1815, connect the emitter to the ground or common connection, the collector to the load or output connection, and the base to the control signal or input connection. The C1815 is a general-purpose transistor that can be used in a variety of applications, such as amplifiers, oscillators, and switching circuits.


1. High voltage and high current: VCEO = 50 V (min), IC = 150 mA (max)

2. Excellent hFE linearity : hFE (2) = 100 (typ.) at VCE = 6 V,
IC = 150 mA : hFE (IC = 0.1 mA)/hFE (IC = 2 mA) = 0.95 (typ.)

3. Low noise: NF = 1dB (typ.) at f = 1 kHz

4. Complementary to 2SA1015 (O, Y, GR class)




1. Emitter (E): This is the ground or common connection of the transistor.
2. Base (B): This is the control input of the transistor.
3. Collector (C): This is the output or load connection of the tr


1. Audio Frequency General Purpose Amplifier

2. Driver Stage Amplifier


Maximum Ratings (Ta  25°C)

1. Collector-base voltage : VCBO = 60 V

2. Collector-emitter voltage : VCEO = 50 V

3. Emitter-base voltage : VEBO = 5 V

4. Collector current : IC = 150 mA

5. Base current : IB = 50 mA

6. Collector power dissipation : PC = 400 mW


Similar parts:

1. 2N3904: This is a general-purpose NPN transistor with similar characteristics to the 2SC1815.

2. BC547: This is another general-purpose NPN transistor with similar characteristics to the component.

3. BC337: This is a general-purpose NPN transistor that has higher current gain and higher maximum voltage ratings than the component.

4. PN2222: This is another general-purpose NPN transistor with similar characteristics to the component.

5. BC548: This is a general-purpose NPN transistor that has higher current gain and higher maximum voltage ratings than the C1815.


2SC1815 Datasheet


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