What is 2SD389? 60V, 4A, NPN Transistor – Panasonic

What is 2SD389?

This is a silicon NPN transistor with a maximum collector-base voltage (Vcb) rating of 60V and a continuous collector current (Ic) rating of 4A. Therefore, it can safely handle a voltage of 60V and a current of 4A without any problems.

However, it is important to note that the actual performance of the transistor will depend on the specific circuit design and operating conditions.

Function: NPN Diffused Junction Mesa Transistor

Package: TO-220AB Type

Manufacturer: Panasonic Corporation

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2SD389 datasheet


This is NPN Transistor for Medium Power Amplifier. It is suitable for use in a wide range of low-power amplifier and switching applications, but it is important to carefully consider the specific requirements of the circuit and ensure that the transistor is operated within its safe operating limits.

1. 2SD389

1. Collector-Base Voltage: Vcbo = 60 V
2. Collector-Emitter Voltage: Vceo = 60 V
3. Emitter-Base voltage : Vebo = 8 V
4. Collector Current: Ic = 4 A
5 Collector Dissipation : Pc = 40 W

2. 2SD389A

Collector-Base Voltage: Vcbo = 80 V
Collector-Emitter Voltage: Vceo = 80 V


1. Large Pc
2. Wide area of safe operation ( ASO )

This is suitable for use in a wide range of low-power amplifier and switching applications, but it is important to carefully consider the specific requirements of the circuit and ensure that the transistor is operated within its safe operating limits. If higher power dissipation is required, it may be necessary to use a heat sink or choose a transistor with a higher Pd rating.

Other data sheets are available within the file: D389, D389A, 2SD601, 2SD601A

2SD389 Datasheet PDF Download

2SD389 pdf

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