2SK2645-01MR Datasheet – 600V, N-Ch, MOSFET ( PDF )

This is one of the types of MOSFETs and is a kind of transistor.

Part Number: 2SK2645-01MR

Function: 600V, 9A, N-Channel MOSFET ( Transistor )

Package: TO-220F-15 Type

Manufacturer: Fuji Electric


2SK2645-01MR datasheet


This is N-Channel MOSFET.


1. High speed switching
2. Low on-resistance
3. No secondary breadown
4. Low driving power
5. Avalache-proof

Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)

1. Drain to source voltage: VDSS = 600 V
2. Gate to source voltage: VGSS = ± 30 V
3. Drain current: ID = 9 A
4. Max. Power Dissipation: Pd = 50 W
5. Channel temperature: Tch = 150 °C
6. Storage temperature: Tstg = -55 to +150 °C


1. Switching Regulators
2. UPS
3. DC-DC converters
4. General Purpose Power Amplifier

Other data sheets are available within the file: 2SK2645, K2645, K2645-01MR

2SK2645-01MR Datasheet PDF Download

2SK2645-01MR pdf


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