3DD1555 Datasheet PDF – 1500V, 5A, 50W, NPN Transistor

Collector−Base Voltage


Part Number: 3DD1555

Function:  Case-Rated Bipolar Transistor

Package: TO-3P(H)IS Type

Manufacturer: Jilin Sino-Microelectronics


3DD1555 datasheet



3DD1555 is high breakdown voltage of NPN bipolar transistor. The main process of manufacture : high voltage mesa type process, triple diffused process etc., adoption of fully plastic packge. RoHS product.

Absolute maximum ratings

1. Collector-Base Voltage : BVcbo = 1500 V
2. Collector-Emitter Voltage : BVceo = 600 V
3. Emitter-Base Voltage : BVebo = 6 V
4. Collector Current(DC) : Ic = 5 A
5. Base Current : 3 A
6.  Collector Power Dissipation : Pc = 50 W
7. Junction Temperature: Tj = 150°C
8. Storage Temperature: Tsg = -55 ~ +150°C


1. Horizontal deflection output for color TV.

Other data sheets are available within the file: 3DD1555-O-A-N-D, D1555

3DD1555 Datasheet PDF Download

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