4435 Datasheet PDF – 30V P-Channel MOSFET – AO4435

Part Number: 4435, AO4435

Function: -30V,  -10.5A, P-Channel MOSFET

Package: SO 8 Pin

Manufacturer: Alpha & Omega Semiconductor



( 4435 SMD )


The AO4435, 4435 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), and ultra-low low gate charge with a 25V gate rating. This device is suitable foruse as a load switch or in PWM applications.

1. RoHS Compliant
2. AO4435 is Halogen Free



4435 datasheet pinout ao4435


Product Summary

1. Drain to source voltage : VDS = -30V

2. Drain current: ID = -10.5A (V GS = -20V)

3. RDS(ON)< 14mΩ(VGS= -20V)

4. RDS(ON)< 18mΩ(VGS= -10V)

5. RDS(ON)< 36mΩ(VGS= -5V)



Official Homepage: http://www.aosmd.com/products/mosfets/p-channel/AO4435


4435 Datasheet


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