AD85063D Datasheet – Step-Down DC-DC Converter Control IC

Part Number: AD85063D

Function: Step-Down DC-DC converter control IC

Package: DIP 8 Pin Type

Manufacturer: Shenzhen XinJinShang Electronics


AD85063D converter


AD84068D / AD85063D are thin DC-DC buck converter IC, containing temperature-compensated reference voltage source 1.25V comparator can effectively limit the current and duty cycle control oscillator, driver and high current output switch, etc., outside with a small number of elements can be composed of DC-DC step-down circuit. Compared with the 34063 product can be achieved with a minimum of external components constituting the switch-mode buck converter, widely used in car charger, DC buck converter and other products. AD85063D is a dedicated Apple phone car charger IC, widely used in car charger, DC buck converter and other products.


AD85063D datasheet pinout



1. AD85063 less external circuit element for low-cost car charger charger charger program

2. Operating voltage range : 3.0V ~ 30V

3. The short-circuit current protection; low quiescent current

4. Output voltage : AD85063 : 5.1V±3%@Vin=12.0V

5. The actual working current: 1000mA @ Vin = 12.0V

6. 1.8V reference voltage and the output voltage LED


1. Car Charger

2. DC buck converter and other products

3. Children’s toys

4. Card audio

AD85063D Datasheet


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