Part Number: BT169DW
Function: 400V, Thyristor logic level
Package: SOT-223 Type
Manufacturer: Philips Electronics ( )
Image and Pinouts:
Glass passivated, sensitive gate thyristor in a plastic envelope, suitable for surface mounting, intended for use in general purpose switching and phase control applications.
This device is intended to be interfaced directly to microcontrollers, logic integrated circuits and other low power gate trigger circuits.
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
1. Repetitive peak off-state voltages : Vdrm, Vrrm = 400 V
2. Average on-state current : It(av) = 0.6 A
3. RMS on-state current : It(rms) = 1 A
4. Non-repetitive peak on-state current : Itsm = 8 A
Other data sheets are available within the file: BT169D, BT169