C5177 Datasheet PDF – 3V, 10mA, NPN Transistor – NEC

Part Number: C5177

Function: 10mA, 3V, NPN Transistor

Package: SC-59 Type ( EIAJ )

Manufacturer: NEC ( Renesas Technology )

Image and Pinouts:

C5177 datasheet


The C5177 is 10mA, 3V, NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor.


1. Low Current Consumption and High Gain

(1) |S21e|2 = 9.0 dB TYP. @ VCE = 2 V, IC = 7 mA, f = 2 GHz
(2) |S21e|2 = 8.5 dB TYP. @ VCE = 1 V, IC = 5 mA, f = 2 GHz

2. Mini-Mold package EIAJ : SC-59

Absolute maximum ratings :

1. Collector to Base Voltage : VCBO = 5 V

2. Collector to Emitter Voltage : VCEO = 3 V

3. Emitter to Base Voltage : VEBO = 2 V

4. Collector Current : IC = 10 mA

5. Total Power Dissipation : PT = 30 mW

Other data sheets are available within the file: 2SC5177, 2SC5177-T1, 2SC5177-T2

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