FS8205A Datasheet PDF – 20V, 6A, Dual N-Ch, MOSFET

This post explains for the MOSFET.

The Part Number is FS8205A.

The function of this MOSFET is Dual N-Channel MOSFET.

The package is TSSOP 8 Pin Type.

Manufacturer: Fortune Semicondcutor ( www.ic-fortune.com )


FS8205A datasheet


This is 20V, 6A, Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET.


1. Low On-resistacne

(1) Rds(on) = 25 mΩ MAX. (Vgs = 4.5V, Id = 4A )
(2) Rds(on) = 35 mΩ MAX. (Vgs = 2.5V, Id = 3A )


FS8205A pinout mosfet

Absolute Maximum Ratings ( Ta=25°C )

1. Drain-Source Voltage : VDS = 20 V

2. Gate-Source Voltage : VGS= ±12 V

3. Continuous Drain Current :  ID = 6 A

4. Pulsed Drain Current : IDM = 25 A

5. Total Power Dissipation : PD = W

6. Storage Temperature Range : TSTG = -55 to 150 ℃

7. Operating Junction Temperature Range : TJ = -55 to 150 ℃


1. Li-ion battery management appplications


FS8205A Datasheet

FS8205A pdf


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