IRLB4132PbF Datasheet – 30V, HEXFET Power MOSFET – IR

Part Number: IRLB4132PbF, IRLB4132

Function: 30V, HEXFET Power MOSFET

Package: TO-220AB Type

Manufacturer: IR ( International Rectifier )


IRLB4132PbF datasheet mosfet


1. Best in Class Performance for UPS/Inverter Applications
2. Very Low RDS(on) at 4.5V VGS
3. Ultra-Low Gate Impedance
4. Fully Characterized Avalanche Voltage and Current
5. Lead-Free



IRLB4132PbF pinout

Absolute Maximum Ratings

1. Drain-to-Source Voltage : VDS = 30 V
2. Gate-to-Source Voltage : VGS = +- 20 V
3. Maximum Power Dissipation: Pd = 140 W


1. Optimized for UPS/Inverter Applications
2. Low Voltage Power Tools



IRLB4132PbF Datasheet


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