IRLR3105 is a MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) designed for use in power management applications, particularly in switching circuits. It is a member of the HEXFET series of power MOSFETs manufactured by Infineon Technologies.
Part Number: IRLR3105PbF, IRLU3105PbF
Function: 55V Single N-Channel Power MOSFET
Package: D-Pak Type
Manufacturer: IR, Infineon Technologies
Image and pinouts
The IR MOSFET family of power MOSFETs utilizes proven silicon processes offering designers a wide portfolio of devices to support various applications such as DC motors, inverters, SMPS, lighting, load switches as well as battery powered applications.The devices are available in a variety of surface mount and through-hole packages with industry standard footprints for ease of design.
This HEXFET Power MOSFET utilizes the latest processing techniques to achieve extremely low on-resistance per silicon area. Additional features of this design are a 175°C junction operating temperature, fast switching speed and improved repetitive avalanche rating. These features combine to make this design an extremely efficient and reliable device for use in a wide variety of applications.
1. Planar cell structure for wide SOA
2. Optimized for broadest availability from distribution partners
3. Product qualification according to JEDEC standard
4. Silicon optimized for applications switching below <100kHz
5. Industry standard through-hole power package
1. Increased ruggedness
2. Wide availability from distribution partners
3. Industry standard qualification level
4. High performance in low frequency applications
5. Standard pinout allows for drop in replacement
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
1. Drain to source voltage : VDSS = 55 V
2. Gate to source voltage : VGSS = ± 16 V
3. Drain current : ID = 25 A
4. Drain power dissipation : PD = 57 W
5. Single pulse avalanche energy : Eas = 61 mJ
6. Channel temperature : Tch = 175 °C
7. Storage temperature : Tstg = -55 to +175 °C
The IRLR3105 MOSFET is power switching applications, including DC-DC converters, motor control, load switching, and power management in automotive, industrial, and consumer electronics.