Full Part Number is 2SK3561.
The Function is N-Channel, 500V, 8A, MOSFET ( Transistor )
The package is TO-220 type.
The manufacturer of the product is Toshiba Semiconductor.
See the preview image and the PDF file for more information.
The K3561 is a N-channel MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) manufactured by Toshiba. MOSFETs are used as electronic switches and voltage-controlled resistors in a variety of applications, including power supplies, motor drives, and switching power amplifiers.
The 2SK3561 is designed for high-power, high-frequency switching applications, where its fast switching speed and low on-resistance make it well-suited for high-efficiency power conversion systems.
1. Low drain-source ON resistance: RDS (ON)= 0.75 Ω(typ.)
2. High forward transfer admittance: | Yfs | = 6.5 S (typ.)
3. Low leakage current: IDSS= 100 μA (VDS= 500 V)
4. Enhancement mode: Vth= 2.0 to 4.0 V (VDS= 10 V, ID= 1 mA)
Absolute Maximum Ratings ( Ta = 25°C )
1. Drain-source voltage: VDSS = 500 V
2. Drain-gate voltage (RGS = 20 kΩ): VDGR = 500 V
3. Gate-source voltage: VGSS = ±30 V
4. Drain current (DC): Id = 8A
5. Drain power dissipation (Tc = 25°C): PD = 40 W
1. Switching Regulator ( Id = 8A, Idp = 32A )