Part Number: MJE13003
Function: NPN Silicon Transistor. V(BR)cbo=700V, V(BR)ceo=400V, V(BR)ebo=9V
Package: TO-126 Type
Manufacturer: Wing Shing International Group
Image and Pinouts:
This is 400V, 1.5A, Silicon NPN Transistor.
This device is designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where
fall time is critical.
This is particularly suited for 115 and 220V SWITCHMODE applications such as Switching
Regulator’s, Inverters, Motor Controls, Solenoid / Relay drivers and Deflection circuits.
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
1. Power dissipation : PCM = 1.25 W (Tamb=25°C)
2. Collector current : ICM = 1.5 A
3. Collector-base voltage : V (BR) CBO = 700 V
4. Collector-emitter voltage : V(BR)CEO = 400 V
5. Emitter-base voltage : V(BR)EBO = 9 V
Other data sheets are available within the file: MJE13003B