MP23AB02B Datasheet PDF – MEMS Audio Sensor

Part Number: MP23AB02B

Function: MEMS audio sensor, high-performance analog bottom-port microphone

Package: RHLGA (3.35 x 2.5 x 0.98 mm ) Type

Manufacturer: STMicroelectronics


MP23AB02B datasheet



The MP23AB02B is a compact, low-power microphone built with a low-profile sensing element.

The sensing element, capable of detecting acoustic waves, is manufactured using a specialized silicon micromachining process to produce audio sensors.

The device has an acoustic overload point of 125 dBSPL with a 64 dB signal-to-noise ratio.


1. Single supply voltage operation

2. Low power consumption

3. Omnidirectional sensitivity

4. High signal-to-noise ratio

5. High bandwidth

6. Package compliant with reflow soldering


MP23AB02B Datasheet PDF Download

MP23AB02B pdf

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