P75N02LDG Datasheet PDF – 25V, 75A, N-Ch, MOSFET

This is one of the types of MOSFETs and is a kind of transistor.

Part Number: P75N02LDG

Function: 25V, 75A, N-Channel MOSFET

Package : TO-252 (DPAK) Type

Manufacturer: NIKO-SEM

P75N02LDG mosfet image


This is N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor.


  1. V(BR)DSS = 25V
  2. RDS(ON) = 5mOhm
  3. Id = 75A



P75N02LDG datasheet pinout

Absolute Maximum Ratings (Tc = 25°C)

1. Gate to source voltage : VGS = ± 20 V
2. Drain current: ID =  75 A
3. Drain power dissipation : PD = 54 W
4. Single pulse avalanche energy : Eas = 100 mJ
5. Channel temperature: Tch = -55 to +150 °C
6. Storage temperature: Tstg = -55 to +150 °C

P75N02LDG Datasheet


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