SD20N60 Datasheet PDF – 600V, 20A, MOSFET – Infineon

Partnumber : SD20N60

Function: 600V, 20A, N-Channel Power MOSFET

Package: TO-247, TO-220 Pakages

Manufactueres : Infineon


SD20N60 Image


This is a Power Mosfet Transistor. Off-Line SMPS Current Mode Controller. This technology is
specialized in allowing a minimum on-state resistance and superior switching performance. It also can withstand high energy pulse in the avalanche and commutation mode.


SD20N60 pinout

Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)

1. Drain-Source Voltage (VDSS) : 600 V

2. Drain Current (ID) continuous at 25° C : 20 A

3. Drain Current Pulsed (IDM) : 80 A

4. Gate-Source Voltage (VGSS) : ±20 V

5. Power Dissipation (PD) : 370 W

6. RDS(ON) @ VGS = 10 V : 450 mΩ


1. Solar Inverter

2. AC-DC Power Supply

SD20N60 Reference PDF

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