TDA11105PS Datasheet – Image Processing Chip, 64Pin – NXP

Part Number: TDA11105PS

Function: Image Processing Chip Assembly Using TV Circuit

Package: 64 Pin Type

Manufacturer: NXP Semiconductors.


TDA11105PS image


The TDA11105PS is CRT TV Microprocessor.

CRT TV Microprocessor refers to the central processing unit (CPU) of a cathode ray tube (CRT) television. This microprocessor is responsible for controlling and managing the various functions of the television, including the display of the picture, sound output, channel tuning, and other related tasks. The microprocessor is a critical component in the operation of a CRT television and is responsible for processing the signals received by the television and converting them into a display on the screen.


1. Image processing includes brightness control, contrast control, chroma control, tone control, image enhancement and five image modes

2. Users can edit LOGO, display LOGO when booting and no signal

3. Have perpetual calendar and game features

4. Compatible with FS and VS tuner

5. With switch screen pull function, up and down mode and left and right mode optional

6. Added left and right line blanking adjustment for easy configuration of different parameters of the picture tube

7. Added CORING and black extension in image processing, which obviously improved the picture quality.


TDA11105PS Pinouts :

TDA11105PS datasheet

Other data sheets are available within the file: TDA11105PS/N2, TDA11105PS/V3

TDA11105PS Datasheet PDF

TDA11105PS pdf


TDA11106PS Datasheet PDF

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