TIP147T Datasheet PDF – 100V, 10A, PNP Transistor ( PDF )

Part Number: TIP147T

Function: 100V, PNP Transistor

Package: TO-220 Type

Manufacturer: Fairchild Semiconductor

Image and Pinouts:

TIP147T datasheet



This is a 100V, 10A, PNP Epitaxial Silicon Darlington Transistor.


1. Monolithic Construction With Built In Base-Emitter Shunt Resistors

2. High DC Current Gain : hFE= 1000@ VCE = – 4V, IC= – 5A (Min.)

3.  Industrial Use

4. Complement to TIP140T / TIP141T / TIP142T


Absolute maximum ratings ( Ta=25°C )

1. Collector to Base Voltage: Vcbo = – 100 V

2. Collector to Emitter Voltage: Vceo = – 100 V

3. Emitter to Base Voltage: Vebo = – 5 V

4. Collector Current: Ic = – 10 A

5. Collector Dissipation : Pc = 80 W

6. Junction Temperature: Tj = 150°C

7. Storage Temperature: Tsg = -65 ~ +150°C


TIP147T Datasheet PDF Download

TIP147T pdf

Other data sheets are available within the file: TIP145, TIP145T, TIP146, TIP146T, TIP147