Part Number: TT2206
Function: 800V, 20A, NPN Transistor
Package: TO-3PMLH Type
Manufacturer: Sanyo, SANYO (Panasonic)
( Equivalent Sanyo 2SС5793 )
This is NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor ( I(c) : 10A, V(cbo) : 1600V ).
TT2206 transistor is a type of bipolar junction transistor (BJT) that consists of two n-type semiconductor materials separated by a single p-type material.
In CRT displays, horizontal deflection refers to the part of the display circuitry responsible for steering the electron beam horizontally across the screen. This is a crucial component in creating the image on the CRT. To achieve high resolutions in Ultrahigh-Definition CRT displays, specialized horizontal deflection output integrated circuits (ICs) would be required. These ICs are designed to handle the precise and rapid horizontal scanning required for high-quality images.
1. Ultrahigh-Definition CRT Display Horizontal Deflection Output
1. High speed.
2. High breakdown voltage (Vcbo=1600V, Vceo=800V, Ic=10A, Pc=65W ).
3. High reliability (Adoption of HVP process).
4. Adoption of MBIT process.
5. Collector-to-Base Voltage : VCBO = 1600 V
6. Collector-to-Emitter Voltage : VCEO = 800 V
Sanyo TT2206 Datasheet
The equivalent circuit is 2SС5793, TT2202, JL6920, 2SC5446.
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Reference Datasheet PDF Download
Sanyo 2SC5793, Toshiba 2SC5446, Sanyo TT2202.