Part Number: 2SK1898
Function: 60V, 15A, N-Channel Silicon MOSFET
Package: SMP, SMP-FD Type
Manufacturer: SANYO (Panasonic)
1. Low ON resistance.
2. Ultrahigh-speed switching.
3. Low-voltage drive.
4. Surface mount type device making the following possible.
5. Reduction in the number of manufacturing processes for 2SK1898-applied equipment.
6. High density surface mount applications.
7. Small size of 2SK1898-applied equipment.
Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C
1. Drain-to-Source Voltage : VDSS = 60 V
2. Gate-to-Source Voltage : VGSS = ±15 V
3. Drain Current (DC) : ID = 15 A
4. Drain Current (Pulse) : IDP = 60 A
5. Allowable Power Dissipation : PD = 1.65 W
1. Ultrahigh-Speed Switching
Other data sheets are available within the file: K1898