10N60 Datasheet – 600V, 10A, N-ch, MOSFET ( PDF )

This is one of the types of MOSFETs and is a kind of transistor.

Part Number: 10N60, FQPF10N60, FQPF10N60C

Function : N-Channel Power MOSFET ( 600V,10A )

Package: TO-220, TO-220F Type

Manufacturer: Nell Semiconductor, Fairchild

This post explains for the transistor 10N60.


10N60 MOSFET Transistor


This Power MOSFET is produced using advanced planar stripe DMOS technology.This advanced technology has been especially tailored tominimize on-state resistance, provide superior switching performance, and withstand high energy pulse in the avalanche and commutation mode. These devices are well suited for high efficiency switched mode power supplies, active power factor correction based on half bridge topology.



10N60 pinout datasheet


1. RDS(ON) = 0.8Ω@VGS = 10V

2. Ultra low gate charge(57nC max.)

3. Low reverse transfer capacitance (CRSS = 18pF typical)

4. Fast switching capability

5. 100% avalanche energy specified

6. Improved dv/dt capability

7. 150°C operation temperature

10N60 Datasheet



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K1338 Datasheet PDF – 900V, 2A, N-Ch, MOSFET

Part Number: K1338

Function: 2A, 900V, N-Channel MOSFET

Package: TO-220AB Type

Manufacturer: Hitachi ( Renesas Electronics )

Image and Pinouts:

K1338 datasheet


This is Silicon N-Channel MOSFET.


1. Low on-resistance
2. High speed switching
3. Low drive current
4. No secondary breakdown
5. Suitable for switching regulator and DC-DC converter

Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)

1. Drain to source voltage: VDSS = 900 V
2. Gate to source voltage: VGSS = ±30 V
3. Drain current: ID = 2 A
4. Drain peak current : ID(pulse) = 6 A
5. Body to drain diode reverse drain current : IDR = 2 A
6. Channel dissipation: Pch = 50 W
7. Channel temperature: Tch = 150 °C
8. Storage temperature: Tstg =  – 55 to +150 °C



1. High speed power switching

Other data sheets are available within the file: 2SK1338

K1338 Datasheet PDF Download

K1338 pdf

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