The ASX1436 is a specialized type of integrated circuit called a monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) power amplifier. It’s specifically designed to amplify radio frequency (RF) signals within a narrow frequency range, from 13.75 gigahertz (GHz) to 14.50 GHz.
Function: Ku Band Power Amplifier MMIC
Package: 10-lead Flange Type
Manufacturer: ASB Inc. ( )
ASX1436 is a three-stage internally matched MMIC Power Amplifier which operates between 13.75 GHz
and 14.50 GHz frequency range. This product is well suited for VSAT applications.
This amplifier is particularly well-suited for very small aperture terminal (VSAT) applications. VSATs are satellite communication terminals used for two-way satellite communications, such as internet access, voice communication, and data transfer.
Image and pinouts
1. Frequency Range: 13.75 – 14.50 GHz
2. Saturated Output Power: 35 dBm
3. Power Added Efficiency: 28 %
4. Small Signal Gain: 31.5 dB
5. Output Third Order Intercept Point: 41.5 dBm
6 Bias: VDD = +7 V, IDD = 1300 mA, VGG = -0.8 V (Typical)
7. 100% DC and RF tested
Application Circuits
1. Ku Band VSAT
2. Point to Point Radio