FN1016 Datasheet PDF – 160V, 8A, 70W, Transistor – Sanken

Part Number: FN1016

Function: 160V 8A, 70W, 80MHz, Complementary Pair Transistor

Package: TO-3PF Type

Manufacturers : Sanken

FN1016 image


The FN1016 is 160V, 70W, Complementary pair of transistor for audio power output. This Transistor an 8 A collector current rating. Power Transistor Semiconductor.

A complementary pair transistor is a pair of transistors that have complementary doping, meaning one is a PNP type and the other is an NPN type. They are often used together in electronic circuits to perform various functions, such as amplification, switching, and voltage regulation.

The complementary pair transistor configuration is commonly used in power amplifiers, voltage regulators, and other circuits where high output power or high voltage capability is required. The complementary pair transistor configuration is also used in class AB and class B audio power amplifiers.

It is commonly used in circuits for RF amplification and switching, such as in radio and television receivers, wireless communication systems, and radar equipment.

Pinout and circuits

FN1016 pinout circuit

Reference Site: https://www.petervis.com/Amplifiers/aiwa-av-d58/aiwa-av-d58.html

FN1016 Datasheet PDF

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STRG6352 Datasheet PDF – Voltage Regulator IC – Sanken

Part Number: STRG6352, STR-G6352

Function: Voltage Regulator IC

Package: TO-220F Type

Manufacturer: Sanken, Panasonic


STRG6352 Datasheet


1. Flyback Swiching Regulator
2. Quasi-Resonant Operation
3. Low-loss, Pulse-ratio-control stanby mode
4. Latched Over-Voltage and Thermal protection
5. Regulated Soft Gate Drive
6. Adjustable switching speed for EMI control
7. Latched over-voltage and thermal protection


STRG6352 pinout

Reference Site:

1. https://www.electro-tech-online.com/
2. https://forum.allaboutcircuits.com/threads/strt-g6153-datasheet.7689/

STRG6352 Datasheet


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