C5296 transistor is commonly used in power supply circuits, motor control circuits, and other applications that require high voltage and high current switching.
Part Number: 2SC5296
Function: 8A, 800V, NPN Transistor
Package: TO-3PML Type
Manufacturer: SANYO (Panasonic)
Image and Pinouts:
The C5296 is 8A, 800V, NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor.
1. High speed : tf=100ns typ.
2. High breakdown voltage : VCBO=1500V.
3. High reliability (Adoption of HVP process).
4. Adoption of MBIT process.
5. On-chip damper diode.
Absoulte Maximum Ratings
1. Collector-to-Base Voltage : VCBO = 1500 V
2. Collector-to-Emitter Voltage : VCEO = 800 V
3. Emitter-to-Base Voltage : VEBO = 6 V
4. Collector Current : IC = 8 A
5. Collector Current (Pulse) : ICP = 16 A
6. Total Dissipation : Pc = 3.0 W
7. Junction Temperature: Tj = 150°C
8. Storage Temperature: Tsg = -55 ~ +150°C
Test Circuit
1. Ultrahigh-Definition CRT Display
2. Horizontal Deflection Output
Other data sheets are available within the file: 2SC5296