This is one of the transistor types. This is a type of bipolar junction transistor (BJT) made from silicon, a semiconductor material. This transistor is designed for amplifying or switching electronic signals in various electronic circuits.
Part Number: D718
Function: 120V, 8A, NPN Transistor
Package: TO-3P Type
Manufacturer: Inchange Semiconductor
This is 120V, 8A, Silicon NPN Power Transistor. Silicon D718 Transistor is fundamental components in electronic circuits, playing a crucial role in amplification, signal processing, and digital logic. They are widely used in a vast array of electronic devices, including radios, amplifiers, computer processors, and many other applications where signal control and amplification are essential.
1. Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage : V(BR)CEO= 120V(Min)
2. Good Linearity of hFE
3. Complement to Type 2SB688
4. Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust device performance and reliable operation
D718 Transistor pinout
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
1. Collector-Base Voltage : VCBO = 120 V
2. Collector-Emitter Voltage : VCEO = 120 V
3. Emitter-Base Voltage : VEBO = 5 V
4. Collector Current: Ic = 8 A
5. Base Current : IB = 1 A
6. Collector Power Dissipation (Tc=25℃) : Pc = 80 W
1. Audio frequency power amplifier applications
2. Recommend for 45-50W audio frequency amplifier output stage applications
Other data sheets are available within the file: 2SD718
D718 Transistor Datasheet
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